Life Planning for those with Disabilities

Some time ago, I received an email from Martin Block. He operates a website called Able Rise. The site has an abundance of resources for people with physical and other disabilities. Martin requested that I add some links to my list of disability resources.

Since your site is clearly an authoritative resource for those with disabilities, you’re well aware of the importance of life planning for these individuals (well, anyone, really!). But you also know how overwhelming and confusing it can be to know where to begin. With that in mind, I’ve pulled together some really helpful information that will help people of all ages navigate this process (see below) – would you consider adding this list to one of your disability resource pages?

More Support for People with Disabilities

Every now and then, I receive an email requesting that I had links to my site. I am appreciative of those emails because they draw my attention to new websites and points of view. Usually, I will add the suggested links to the pages having to do with their content. However, links on the subject of disability required different approach. In May 2017, I posted Support for People with Disabilities. Over a month ago, I received a request to add the following links to my site. Again, the best way do that is this post. My thanks, and apologies to Christy who made the request.

Support for People with Disabilities

In mid-March I received an email requesting that I post the following supportive links for people with disabilities. It has taken far too long for me to post them for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which was not knowing exactly where to put them.

It is difficult to receive the right kind of assistance when one does not know the questions to ask.

My thanks, and apologies to the person who made the request.