Change Log June 10, 2024—June 23, 2024

It has been some time since I have posted a Change Log for or completed a full maintenance cycle on the website. The following is a list of updates.

Updated copyright year on index page.

Updated copyright year on Copyright page.

Updated copyright year on Homepage Additionally, deleted 2016 updates from up update list.

Updated copyright year file not found custom 404 page.

Updated copyright year Time and Technology have Passed By. Additionally, fixed typos.

Updated copyright year The Prisoner. Additionally, checked and updated all links so that they open a new tab.

It is surprising that all the links on this page going to other sites still function. Usually, after year or so there is at least one dead link on any page especially this one, but not this maintenance cycle.

Updated copyright year Resume.

Updated copyright year The Significance of Airpower in World War II.

I wrote this article, as I remember, in response to an email from an individual who thought I was the military historian Sir. John Keegan, which I am not; but I am and was an historian and I was able to answer their question through the article.

Updated copyright year Annenberg CPB Project Media. Additionally, updated paragraph.

Updated copyright year Articles.

Updated copyright year Lookbrew article.

Updated copyright year Physical Disability and Independence.

Updated copyright year Genetic Dragnet: Constitutional?

Updated copyright year Groucho Marx The Writer. Additionally, removed dead URL and added three new URLs.

Surprisingly, all the links in this article still work except for one. I was able to find three new links.

Updated copyright year McCarthyism.

Downloaded the Fall of Joseph McCarthy master’s thesis to preserve it. Need to make source page in Document Archive for it.

Updated copyright year Read Aloud: The Proofreading Tool.

I use it for all writing: articles, papers, blog posts; for I am an auditory learner, and it really helps.

Updated copyright year The Wars of Watergate.

Updated copyright year The Devil We Knew.

Updated copyright year Ella Baker.

Updated copyright year United States v. Trump et al: The Indictment.

Updated copyright year Internet Platforms, User Rights, and Section 230.

This is one of my most useful articles because people generally don’t understand that businesses do not have to protect freedom of speech. Internet platforms are businesses. A platform can go out of its way to protect the free speech rights of individuals, but it has no legal requirement to do so.

Corrected spacing in footnote number.

Updated copyright year Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Has Its Place.

Looking at the HTML code for this article, I am struck by how my coding preferences have changed. For example, when I did the notes for this article I put the cite element inside the paragraph element. Now, I simply make the cite element a block level element in CSS.

Updated copyright year Intelligent Design is not Science.

Updated copyright year Intelligent Design, Credibility, and the Lack Thereof.

Updated copyright year Intelligent Design Links.

Updated all links Intelligent Design Links so that they open in new tap.

Looking at the HTML code for this page, I found that many of the links are not coded to open in a new tap. As I continue to do research, I find that it is really time consuming to click the browser back button which is why any new work is coded so that all links open in a new tap.

Updated copyright year United States, Japan and Pearl Harbor index.

Updated copyright year United States, Japan and Pearl Harbor Forward to the Second Edition.

Updated copyright year United States, Japan and Pearl Harbor Preface.

Updated copyright year States, Japan and Pearl Harbor Introduction.

Updated copyright year United States, Japan and Pearl Harbor Setting the Stage .

Updated copyright year United States, Japan and Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor Before December 7, 1941.

Updated copyright year United States, Japan and Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941.

Updated copyright year United States, Japan and Pearl Harbor Aftermath.

Updated copyright year United States, Japan and Pearl Harbor Conclusions.

Updated copyright year United States, Japan and Pearl Harbor Article in Word Format.

Updated copyright year United States, Japan and Pearl Dorn Report.

Updated copyright year United States, Japan and Pearl Contents.

Updated all links on Articles so that they open in a new tab.

Updated copyright year on Blogs. Additionally, updated URL to The Keegan Blog.

Updated copyright year EDU – Links to Education Resources.

Updated copyright year Education Links. Additionally changed the coding of some URLs.

Updated copyright year Teaching Resources.

Updated copyright year Sherlock Holmes Links. Additionally, added and updated URLs.

Updated copyright year Sherlock Holmes Links Notes. Additionally, added additional citations.

The Conan Doyle Estate probably changed web hosts and designers. Additionally, the URL is completely different. The domain has changed from a .com to a The contents and their presentation have changed significantly.

Updated copyright year The Secret of Sherlock Holmes.

Added media query to The Secret of Sherlock Holmes CSS.

For some reason there was no media query in the CSS. So, I put one in, but I forgot to clear the cache of the browser I was working in. Once I did that everything worked.

Updated all links The Secret of Sherlock Holmes so that they open in a new tab.

Updated copyright year Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

Another style sheet without a media query that makes two in the same directory.

Replaced the banner with styled header 1 element Forensic Science Links in CSS.

I could not get the image to display properly on phone screens.

Updated copyright year Forensic Science Links. Additionally, coded of all links to open a new tab. Also updated the introduction.

Updated copyright year Forensics.

Updated copyright year The Launching of a New Constitution index.

When I came up with this unit 24 years ago, I had no idea that I would be teaching online over two decades later.

Updated copyright year The Launching of a New Constitution author’s note. Additionally, updated the note.

The Constitution Unit did not go through the update cycle in 2023.

Updated copyright year The Launching of a New Constitution:

  1. Answer Keys
  2. Contents
  3. Acknowledgments

Updated copyright year The Launching of a New Constitution:

  1. Purpose of this Site
  2. Lesson Plan 1
  3. Lesson Plan 2
  4. Lesson Plan 3
  5. Lesson Plan 4

Additionally, updated all model titles and information where necessary.

Changed the color of links in models with URLs and gave them a back color on hover The Launching of a New Constitution purpose CSS.

Updated copyright year The Launching of a New Constitution Questions:

  1. Article 1
  2. Article 1 Part 2
  3. Article 2
  4. Article 3
  5. Remaining Articles

Updated copyright year:

  1. Cholera
  2. Cherokee Nation and Andrew Jackson
  3. Inclusion at the High School Level
  4. History of Scotland Yard

Additionally, updated the background and link colors Cherokee Nation and Andrew Jackson CSS.

Added 100 pixel bottom margin between content and footer Cherokee Nation and Andrew Jackson CSS.

Added 100 pixel bottom margin between content and footer Cholera CSS.

Updated copyright year Papers.

Updated copyright year Survival: The Russian Orthodox Church. Additionally, added 100 pixel bottom margin between content and footer and changed background color of page in CSS.

Changed selector from the pseudo class last of type to an ID Survival: The Russian Orthodox Church CSS and then added 100 pixel bottom margin to the ID. For some reason, last of type was affecting other paragraphs.

It is best practice to label each section of a webpage with an ID because each ID is unique in each can be styled differently using CSS. Because the above was one of my earliest published masters papers, I did not label every section with an ID.

Updated copyright year Emancipation. Additionally, added selector ID to Notes section and gave it 100 pixel bottom margin.

Updated copyright year Decolonization and Indo-China. Additionally, added selector ID to Notes section and gave it 100 pixel bottom margin.

Updated copyright year James Iredell, Chisholm, and the Eleventh Amendment.

Updated copyright year Little Rock and Eisenhower. Additionally, gave Notes section 100 pixel bottom border in CSS.

Updated copyright year For the Good of the Service. Additionally, gave download class 100 pixel bottom border in CSS.

Updated copyright year:

  1. Masters Work
  2. Portfolio Entrance
  3. Research Papers

Updated copyright year for the entire Portfolio.

Even though parts of the Portfolio are over twenty years old they still have significant value.

Updated copyright year:

  1. In the News
  2. Support
  3. Star Trek Links
  4. SiFi

Star Trek Links updated all URLs so they opened a new tab. Additionally, added 50 pixel top and bottom margin to the audio element.

Support — the PayPal button is not functioning. It will take more time than I have during this maintenance cycle to correct this problem.

Updated copyright year Doctor Who Links. Additionally, removed URLs that are no longer functioning and added new ones.

Doctor Who Restoration Team website, clicking on the link brings up information that says the site is unsecure and clicking the link to proceed to the site starts to download process. So, the URL has been removed.

Updated copyright year Doctor Who Episode Guide. Additionally, made updates where necessary.

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